
Founded in 1997, Green Mountain Energy is the nation’s longest-serving renewable energy retailer. They’re on a mission to use the power of  consumer choice to change the way power is made. They provide residential and business customers with renewable energy products, renewable energy certificates, carbon offsets and sustainable solutions.

Green Mountain Energy is in the business of being green. They use 100% renewable energy in all of their offices and to power their website. They’ve offset 100% of their measured corporate carbon footprint since 2005 (not yet including emissions from waste). While they’re not big on printing or mailing, when they do, they use 100% recycled paper printed with soy ink.

Their culture is uniquely crafted by their employees who take part in sustainability sessions and volunteer events, like tree planting plus they match employees’ donations to nonprofits like EarthShare and the Green Mountain Energy Sun Club. Watch a quick video of their story.

Interesting Facts

  1. Since 1997, together with their customers they’ve collectively prevented 54.4 billion pounds of CO2 emissions, which is equal to planting 6.4 million trees or 49.8 million households turning off their lights for a year or taking 5.9 million cars off the road for a year
  2. In 1999, they helped build the first utility-scale wind farm in Pennsylvania
  3. In 2011, the Empire State Building became their customer and New York City’s largest commercial purchaser of 100% clean energy at the time
  4. In 2013, they launched the SolarSPARC® program, the first 100% solar plan in Texas

Markets and Service Notes

  • Sell in the following markets: Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts and Illinois
  • Supply 100% clean, renewable energy at a competitive price
  • Provide marketing tools to help customers share their sustainability story
  • Assist customers is earning Green Power Points for LEED certification
  • Offer eco-friendly tips to encourage greener choices in day-to-day operations
  • Support sustainability projects in local communities through the Green Mountain Energy Sun ClubSM program