

Hotels are one of the most common business types in our energy portfolio

We know how much value our services can bring to customers in that industry. Through our experience, we understand how to best meet the power and gas needs of hotel and hospitality owners.

Energy needs comprise a significant portion of operating costs for hotels. The seasonal demands of HVAC and heating systems are going to be a major factor in looking at their energy profile. Usage analysis of these systems should be considered when structuring an electric or natural gas agreement. Other factors to be considered with hospitality businesses are lighting, restaurant equipment, and custodial machinery. If given the opportunity, we will look at possible ways to reduce load and cost in these areas too. With BOX, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best possible chance to improve your bottom line. Our expertise will ensure nothing is left to chance when reevaluating your hospitality energy profile.

If you are in the hospitality industry, don’t just trust anyone to help you with your Energy Buying Plan; trust the experts who have done it more than any other broker in America!!