Every industry has its own unique energy needs that require a strategic partner to help fulfill specific goals and objectives. BOX partners understand each of these industries’ complexity and collaborates closely with each client to become an extension of your team.

Apartments & Multifamily
Our dedicated Account Managers can help manage these customers’ needs over the term of their agreement, keeping meters organized, managing new locations, or transferring service cleanly in the event of a sale.

Commercial Real Estate
In the commercial real estate world, rising electricity costs can be a significant problem for both the tenants and the commercial property itself. At BOX, we work with a vast selection of national retail electric companies in every deregulated market to combat those rising costs

The invaluable partners in our supplier portfolio offer additional experience with proven technical energy efficiency measures and can incorporate these measures into an actionable plan to monitor and improve the school’s performance.

Government & Municipalities
Broker Online Exchange is proud to have one of the largest Government and Municipality Energy portfolios in The United States. We pride ourselves on reviewing each Local City, School District, or government’s account with precision to ensure we meet the customer’s standard of excellence.

Hotels are one of the most common business types in our energy portfolio. We know how much value our services can bring to customers in that industry. Through our experience, we understand how to best meet the power and gas needs of hotel and hospitality owners.

Manufacturing and Industrial
Manufacturing and Industrial Energy Customers account for the largest users that Broker Online Exchange services. We manage more energy consumption and load for our Large Industrial and Manufacturing customers than any segment of the customer population.

Restaurants & Bars
At Broker Online Exchange, Restaurants and Bars make up a significant portion of our energy portfolio. We understand the ins and outs of what restaurants need and what is important to them for their Energy buying process.