After several weeks of notable price movement, forward prices for northeast ISOs remained relatively flat through most of the week. For NEMASSBOST in ISONE, the 12 Month ATC strip increased by $0.26 (0.5%) to $47.67. The 24 Month ATC strip increased by $0.21 (0.4%) to $46.90, while the Cal 2019 ATC strip increased $0.26 to $46.88/MWh.
More price movement was observed in ERCOT as the curve trended upwards following weeks of quiet activity. For the Houston zone, the 12 Month ATC strip increased $0.83 (1.9%) to $44.25. The 24 Month ATC strip increased $0.52 (1.3%) to $41.10, while the Cal 2019 ATC strip increased $0.80 (1.9%) to $43.19/MWh.
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