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5 Things You Should Know About Switching Energy Suppliers

Have you ever switched electricity or natural gas suppliers for your business? If you’re in an open energy market, you have that option. But what is a retail supplier and why should you consider switching? Keep reading to learn about the 5 things you should know about switching energy suppliers.

What is a Retail Energy Supplier?

In a regulated energy market, there’s generally only one option for purchasing energy: your local utility. Utilities are usually government owned and responsible for maintaining the electricity wires and gas pipes that deliver energy to your home and business. 

In an open energy market, consumers have energy choice. While utilities still deliver energy, you can choose to buy it from a retail supplier like Direct Energy Business. Because of their access to the wholesale markets, retail suppliers can often offer greater variety and customization of prices, contract length, and green choices. Plus, for larger corporations, retail suppliers can buy energy using sophisticated triggers and hedges and develop energy strategies designed to help you meet budget, sustainability and efficiency goals.

What is a Retail Energy Supplier?

Switching energy suppliers may be a good strategy for saving money, getting a green energy plan, creating flexibility with your contract, or getting a better customer experience. So what happens when you switch?

5 Things You Should Know About Switching Energy Suppliers

1. Are There Penalties for Switching?

Your utility and the body that governs it in your area support the opportunity for businesses to choose their energy supplier–and they do not penalize those who switch to a competitive retail energy supplier. But it’s a good idea to contact your current supplier to verify when your contract ends, and if there are any cancellation fees or penalties for switching to a new supplier prior to that.

2. Do I need new Equipment When I Switch?

With most suppliers, including Direct Energy Business, you can receive electricity or natural gas without making any physical modifications to your facility or meter. You’ll receive energy through the same transmission and distribution lines and pipes as today. 

3. Will My Service Be Interrupted?

Your service transition from one supplier to another should be completely seamless. Suppliers and utilities usually agree upon a transition date based on your contracts. You should move from one to the next without so much as a flicker of the lights. 

4. When Will My New Service Begin?

Your new energy supplier will be able to help determine your start date.The date you sign your contract and your current meter read cycle will factor into what your actual start date will be. It can take one or two billing cycles from the date you sign a contract for service to begin. 

5. Where Will My Bill Come From?

Small businesses in many regions receive a bill from the utility company with all charges – including those from your new supplier. In some areas, however, you’ll receive a separate bill from your supplier. You should contact your new energy supplier or utility for clarification of billing in your region.

All you have to do is choose your supplier – and signing up only takes five minutes. If you’re looking for more ways to save on your monthly energy costs, contact an experienced BOX Energy Broker today!

About Direct Energy Business

Your energy needs are unique. It’s time you had an energy supplier that treats you like it. From small businesses to large enterprises, organizations need solutions to buy and use energy in ways that meet their unique needs. Direct Energy Business is the energy supplier with tailored plans and solutions for operations of every size.

They are committed to leveraging their size and strength to deliver solutions that help make their customers’ businesses better across North America’ energy markets. Direct Energy Business serves commercial and industrial customers in 24 U.S. markets and eight Canadian provinces, providing electricity and natural gas supply and energy management services. They are part of Direct Energy, North America’s largest competitive retail energy supplier, serving more than five million customers across North America.

About Broker Online Exchange

Broker Online Exchange (BOX) is the largest and most flexible retail energy network in North America. We satisfy the needs of commercial customers, energy brokers, and affiliates by providing direct access to North America’s top suppliers, markets, personalized support and payment plans.

For commercial energy customers, BOX offers access to the largest and most experienced broker network in the country. We connect customers to professional, specialized energy brokers will help satisfy your energy needs with the industry’s best prices. With over 47,000 customers served across every market and industry, we know how to help each customers’ specific industry and market combination like no one else.

If you have any questions about our industry-leading energy consultant partnership, referral partner opportunities, or have a commercial property and are looking to save on energy bills, please contact us today!