The past year has been an extraordinary year for our Brokers and for all of us here at BOX.
Our BOX family continues to grow as we experienced a large increase in the number of new Brokers signing up.
In addition, we had a record number of new energy deals from a record number of Brokers.
Now for 2019-can we do better?
Of course we can! There’s no reason to stop improving!
For that to happen, we’d like you to participate in our BOX Annual 2018 Survey.
You will receive an email on Wednesday, December 19th.
Please take some time (about 15 minutes) to respond to the survey.
This is your opportunity to provide us feedback so we can help you have an even better 2019!
As an added incentive, 5 people will be randomly chosen to receive a $100 gift card to Amazon.
We look forward to hearing from you!