Broker Online Exchange is publishing a series of interviews featuring its client brokers. This interview is with Scott Heiman of Bright Energy Partners located in Northbrook, Illinois.  Click here to visit his business website.

What did you do before you became a broker?

Scott: I was an insurance broker.

What attracted you to the energy brokerage business?

Scott: The residual income and the fact that few people had an energy go-to person. Many people had insurance advisors.

How long have you been a broker and how did you get started?

Scott: I’ve been a broker for 9 years.  I got started when my wife introduced me to someone who had a brokerage firm.

Do you have employees? If so, how many and in what roles?

Scott: We have one administrative person and three sales people who are independent contractors. 

What have you found to be the most important experience and/or skills necessary to run your brokerage?

Scott: Without a doubt, its the ability to network.

How do you like to describe your business to people outside the industry?

Scott: I’m an energy consultant who helps companies across the country reduce their energy costs in a variety of ways.

How do you market or make people aware of your business?

Scott: I conduct 10-15 meetings per week with current clients and networking resources.

How would you describe your best customers?

Scott: One is a pharmaceutical company and the other is a hospitality management firm for hotels across the country.

Why do your customers typically choose to purchase their energy from you?

Scott: My service is excellent as is my pricing. That and I’m completely upfront about everything. My customers know I’m looking out for them first and foremost. 

What are the biggest challenges you face when running your brokerage?

Scott: The administrative end.

What do you like most about being an energy broker?

Scott: I save companies money without asking them to spend money.

How has your partnership with BOX impacted how you run your business?

Scott: BOX provides great support and plenty of suppliers across the country to help me close deals.

What advice would you give a person who is thinking about becoming an energy broker?

Scott: Don’t do this as a hobby. Either commit to being an energy broker/consultant or don’t do it. You can’t make a full-time money doing something part-time.