If your only source of income comes from service jobs like repairs and installations, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of change.

The opportunity is right in front of you: retail energy.

Think about this: most (if not all) of your commercial clients buy energy, right? Well, what if they could buy it from you?

That’s where BOX comes in: our EnerConnect Energy Affiliate Program lets you make big-time commissions by selling retail energy to your existing commercial clients.

You Don’t Need to be an Energy Expert to Join Our Affiliate Program

Your first objection might sound like this, “but I don’t know much about energy!”

That’s all right. Our program is almost entirely hands-off for you. Just send us a picture of your client’s energy bill through our easy-to-use app and you’ll get pricing back in no time.

From there, the rates will sell themselves.

Once your client signs the contract, you’re in for big commissions.

Energy Rates So Good Your Clients Can’t Refuse

We understand how important your client relationships are for your business. You wouldn’t want to risk them with a bad deal or shockingly bad pricing.

You don’t need to worry about that with Broker Online Exchange. We’re an established leader in the retail energy space. We’re trusted by hundreds of energy brokers throughout North America to provide them the best energy rates and opportunities.

For you, that means you’re working with a partner you can trust.

Thanks to our stellar reputation, we also have close relationships with all the top suppliers in North America, which means we’ll always have the best prices in town. And we’ll pass those amazing deals to you.

When you offer BOX pricing, you’re most likely offering rates to which your local energy brokers can’t even come close.

How Do I Sign Up?

It’s easy! You can enroll online today. Once you enroll, we’ll give you a rundown of our app and answer any other questions you might have.

Next thing you know, you’ll be out selling energy and making big commissions.