Higher the Average Temperatures Keep Natural Gas Prices Low
It’s a good time to sell Natural Gas. While it’s still cold throughout parts of the U.S., it’s unseasonably warm, which helps in keeping natural gas prices low. Nordic Energy agrees: they say it’s a great time to push more Natural Gas at these very competitive rates.
The Falling Cost of Electricity Services
Engie reported last week that price of electric service was lower in 2016 that it has been in recent years.
They cite a report from Public Utilities Fortnightly that analyzed information from the U.S. Commerce Department, the Labor Department, the Energy Information Administration—just to name a few.
The report ultimately shows that the cost of electricity is dropping in the U.S. over the last 5 years.
So What Does This Mean for Energy Brokers?
It means now is a great time to lock in prices for both Natural Gas and Electricity. Prices for both are low, so now’s the time to buy.
You can remind your customers that a contract can fix the prices so they’re not victim to rate volatility in the future.