When it comes to online marketing, it may seem like social media is getting all the attention right now. There are plenty of platforms you should be using for your energy broker business, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about email. An email newsletter is still an effective tool for client retention, but only if it’s done correctly. At Brokerage Online Exchange, we’re all about helping energy brokers expand their business, so check out these tips for client retention through email.
Bring Something to the Table
Most of us are already swamped by emails. With emails from work, friends and family, and whatever slips through the spam filter, your inbox is probably already pretty overwhelming. So when you send an email newsletter to clients, make sure there’s an obvious reason for them to look at it.
Add informative articles or information that pertains to your business together—anything that engages and will be of value to your client. Your clients most likely don’t pay attention to the energy market the way you do, so give them updates on what’s happening, where prices are going, and what they can expect to pay in the future. If you’re expanding your business or offerings, make sure your current clients are the first to know.
Personality Matters
One thing that absolutely won’t engage your clients is a dry and robotic writing style. Sure, that might work on an article you link to, but your actual email newsletter should sound like there’s a real person behind it. No one reads through an email that looks like it was generated by a computer.
There’s no need to overdo it, but choose your words and style carefully so that some personality comes through when clients read your emails. It doesn’t matter how important the topic is, it won’t be enough to overcome dull or robotic writing.
Thank You, Come Again
An email saying thank you, especially to a longtime customer, is incredibly underrated. If a client has been with you for a long time, or even if they’re brand new, it never hurts to send an email thanking them for their business. And you can use your thank you note to branch out with a new service. If your client already uses your business to get them great energy prices, thank them, and then ask if they might be interested in your energy management services.
At BOX, we specialize in helping energy brokers get the best prices for their clients, and we want your energy broker business to be as successful as possible. Our EnergyEngine platform can help you get better prices, lucrative commission plans, quicker contracts, and a larger network of suppliers than you do alone. And our business managers will be with you every step of the way.
So contact Brokerage Online Exchange today if you’d like to hear more about EnergyEngine and our how we can help your energy broker business thrive.