BOX Announces Their June Supplier of the Month – SFE Energy

SFE Energy

BOX is proud to announce our pick for June Supplier of the Month – SFE Energy! Chosen for their commitment to providing customers with price certainty for their natural gas and electricity commodity supply, SFE Energy is a clear choice!

Based in Buffalo, New York, SFE Energy provides natural gas, electricity, and green electricity to residential and commercial customers. Summitt Energy operates as Family Energy in New York and as SFE Energy in Ohio, Illinois, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas. By offering competitive pricing and exceptional service to our sales partners, SFE Energy is tracking to become a leading Commercial & Industrial marketing company in the USA.

Customized Energy Solutions

Be it a long or short-term solution, SFE Energy and its affiliates will provide the right products and programs for your customers’ needs. 

  • Plans tailored to meet the needs of all sized commercial accounts in all of their US markets
  • Rate stability for up to 60 months with their Fixed Price Protection Program
  • Quick and easy sales transactions are made possible with their comprehensive matrix pricing
  • Commercial energy plan availability in Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas

SFE Energy provides reliable energy and makes it easy to create the perfect customized energy solution for commercial customers.

To learn more about Broker Online Exchange’s industry-leading network of energy suppliers, referral partner opportunities, or for commercial properties looking to save on their energy bills, please contact us, and an experienced energy professional will reach out to you.

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