As an energy broker there are things that you like to do and things that you don’t.
On top of the list of likes are: Selling, helping customers, developing relationships, and of course, making money.
On top of the list of dislikes are: Learning about new suppliers, dealing with separate unique processes & contracts, and tons of back-office tasks & functions that you’re not good at and, frankly speaking, don’t want to be good at.
Your good at selling, that’s what you want to do! But you need a solution to quickly compare supplier details such as strengths, terms, splits, max’s, markets, credit parameters, pricing, and contracting.
The problem is that the industry is so fragmented and disaggregated, you don’t have a choice. Dealing with all the dislikes have basically been a necessary evil, a proverbial rite of passage, in order to get to the good stuff.
Other industries are not like this. Other industries have centralized locations & platforms through which industry participants can go to get information, connectivity, and tools to get things done in an efficient & productive manner.
Until now this was our fate… but things are changing in a big way.
Shoppers have Amazon. Travelers have Expedia. Energy Brokers have BOX.
Broker Online Exchange (BOX) is deregulated energy’s centralized location connecting brokers and sellers.
Here’s as an example…
How long would it take you as an energy broker to learn about just 5 suppliers that are active in your area?
What would you tell a customer when they ask you to tell them a little about the suppliers you represent?
Never mind, don’t spend the time… on the BOX platform you’ll be able to instantly access relationships and
Information such as straightforward & summarized supplier summaries like these:
Direct Energy is the largest retail provider of electricity, natural gas, and home services in all of North America, with more than 6,000 employees and nearly 5 million customers. Direct was ranked as the #1 competitive retail energy supplier in North America according to DNV KEMA. Direct is a wholly owned subsidiary of Centrica, plc with over 20 million customers on both sides of the Atlantic. Centrica is financially strong, holds an A-credit rating from S&P, and is traded on the London Stock Exchange under the symbol CAN
Constellation, an Exelon company, is a leading competitive supplier of power, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses across the continental US. More than 100,000 commercial, industrial, public sector, government and institutional customers, including two-thirds of the Fortune 100, and more than 1 million residential customers rely on their commitment to innovation, dependability, transparency and service.
Liberty Power is one of the fastest growing independent energy service companies. As the leading Hispanic-owned energy provider, Liberty Power offers competitive rates and flexible plans to residential, small to-medium-sized businesses, and large/industrial companies.
Hudson Energy was founded in 2002 and is owned by Just Energy (NYSE:JE). Hudson is one of the fastest-growing energy solutions providers in North America, and one of the few energy suppliers with the caliber, scope, and depth of expertise, to serve the needs of over 125,000 small to large commercial customers. With over 1,500 employees, 400 dedicated customer service representatives, and a team of account managers, Hudson has the infrastructure required to provide customers with exceptional pricing & service.
Reliant Energy provides 23 million MWh of annual power to retail customers across the US and is the largest commercial & industrial retail electricity provider in Texas, providing electricity and energy services to more than 1.5 million Texas customers across all segments. Reliant is owned and backed by NRG Energy Inc (NYSE:NRG), who owns and operates more than 24,000 MW of generation capacity, enabling Reliant to deliver award-winning pricing, service, and support.
Access quick information like this about all suppliers in all markets, as well as gain a valuable back office support system that will help you manage and control your deal flow and get back to doing what you do best…SELLING!
Go to to learn more!