You may not think about paid search ads all that much, but chances are you see them every day. When you use a search engine like Google, you get a list of the organic matches to your search on the left-hand side of the screen. But on the right side, and often at the top, are results that companies have paid to have placed in your results. These ads are usually marked in yellow, or have some sort of notice that they have been paid for. But how can they help your energy brokerage, and should you be using them to get more traffic to your site? Here’s what you need to know about paid search ads.
- They can complement your SEO content
Many people are understandably hesitant about clicking on a paid ad that comes up in their search results, but if your SEO content isn’t as close to the top as you’d like it to be, then you might want to look into paid ads. And if you can place organic content on the first page of results as well as your ad, then you appear more relevant to potential customers. SEO is a process that can take time to work, and paid search ads can help you out while you develop it. - You can target your audience
“Energy broker” isn’t a term that people search for broadly, like “headphones” or “new music.” So using paid search ads may be beneficial when someone is looking for an energy brokerage to help them with their energy costs. You can also customize your ads to show up in specific geographic areas. So if a specific area isn’t deregulated, there’s no need to pay for your ad to appear there. - Branding
Getting your name out to potential customers is important in developing your brand. Even if a person is just browsing, they’re seeing your name at the top of the search results, and your energy brokerage becomes a recognizable name when they decide where to shop.
If you do decide to use paid search results, make sure that you have a landing page on your website, rather than your normal homepage. That way you can customize your message for the people who have clicked on your ad, as well as push your visitors toward a specific action. The other advantage to having a landing page is that it allows you to easily track the visits that your ad is generating.
Paid search ads can be useful for a business that wants to expand its reach, or become more prominent in its area. Energy brokers aren’t always the most well-known businesses in town, so using paid search ads is a good way to get build your brand and get your message to more potential customers in your area.
If you’d like to hear more about how you can take your energy broker business to the next level, then contact Brokerage Online Exchange today.