Essential Software for Energy Brokers

One of the greatest things about technology is that it can take a task that used to suck up time, and completely automate or simplify it. There are tons of new and innovative software tools out there aimed at small business owners, and even specifically at energy brokers. But that can also wind up being a problem, because with all the different tools out there claiming to save you time and money, how do you know which ones are the real deal? At Broker Online Exchange, we’re in the business of making life easier for energy brokers like yourself. So we thought we’d share this list of some of the most useful software tools out there.

Essential Software Types for Energy Brokers

CRM Software

Customer relationship management software affords you a way to manage and stay organized, providing a comprehensive view of your customers and prospects, as well as your employees’ interactions with them. It is important to develop strong relationships with your customers, and CRM software is a great tool for making that happen. It helps you realize which customers provide you with the most business, analyze buying patterns, and maximize your profits from all your clients.

And that’s important for energy brokers because you’re relying not only on new customers, but also on the continued business of your current clients. You might as well get a tool that helps you stay organized and keep those relationships strong.

Email Marketing Software

If you want a more professional look, and you’re tired of wasting time with your email campaigns, then you should really look into email marketing software. There are a number of benefits to using this type of software. The automation handles subscribes and unsubscribes which improves deliverability. You’ll also be sure that your emails are compliant with CAN-SPAM regulations, helping you avoid stiff penalties. This type of software also gives you detailed feedback to help you understand the effectiveness of your email, so that you can make decisions to improve it in the future.

Energy Broker Software

By far one of the best ways you can grow your energy broker business is by partnering with BOX and using our proprietary software (My Service Cloud). My Service Cloud (MSC) takes care of the time-consuming administrative details that keep you from focusing on selling. MSC can cut contract submission time in half and allows you to track the status of contracts in real time and have them automatically validated. Saving both you and your customer time and energy.

Plus, the My Service Cloud dashboard contains all the information you need, and lets you drill down into readily available management information to health check the performance of your business. It’s all right at your fingertips. Everything you need to run your business, all in one place.

Grow Your Energy Business with Broker Online Exchange

At BOX, our goal is to help you grow your business, find new clients, and get your existing clients the best deals possible.  Contact us if you’d like to hear more about how BOX and MSC can help your energy brokerage grow.