
LifeEnergy LLC is a distributed energy company based in Houston, Texas. They provide energy products and services to residential homeowners as well as commercial businesses. Their products and services include electricity, and will soon include natural gas, solar and other energy related services.

Today LifeEnergy serves tens of thousands of residential and commercial business customers. They focus on providing their customers highly competitive rates, straight-forward products, and outstanding customer service. That is why LifeEnergy is now one of the fastest growing competitive retail energy companies in in the United States.

You can learn more about LifeEnergy here.

Interesting Facts

  1. Backed by LS Power, a $36 billion generator based in NY
  2. Seasoned and respected Executive and Commercial Sales Leadership Teams
  3. Serving Commercial Customers EXCLUSIVELY through the Broker Channel, which avoids competing against BOX Brokers for customers
  4. Launching Natural Gas in 2nd Half of 2018
  5. Flexible Customer Contract Terms and Broker Program arrangements
  6. Best-in-Class Supply Arrangements
  7. Upfront and Residual Payments Available

Markets Served

  • Delaware
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Washington D.C.
  • New England states coming in Q4 of 2018