Direct Energy recently reported on an important study that illustrated some benefits of energy choice in Texas.
The study in question (Electricity Reform and Retail Pricing in Texas) was performed by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy.
The study compares competition and price data in Texas’ retail energy market from 2002 to 2016. In general, we see a positive correlation between market competition and pricing.
In the following chart, you can see that Texas energy rates are consistently below the national average, generally about $0.003/kWh lower.
So what does this mean for energy brokers?
As an energy broker, you’ve probably already bought into the value of energy choice. But not all prospects have.
It’s important to show the advantages of energy choice to prospects and offer them a variety of options, so they have the full experience of energy choice.
While there’s still a long way to go to fully understand the benefits of energy choice, this report goes a long way to verifying what we all knew: energy choice benefits us all.