It’s no secret that selling deregulated energy comes with many unique challenges. But with a proactive approach and the right tools, you can overcome those challenges and start closing more sales than ever before.
Let’s take a look at three of those hurdles and how you can overcome them.
1. Prospect Confusion
Most people don’t fully understand deregulated energy, and they don’t trust what they don’t understand.
So it starts with teaching prospects the real value of deregulated energy. They don’t want to take your word for it when you say your option is more beneficial than their current one. You need to show them why yours is so much better.
That usually entails reviewing and analyzing their meter or bill alongside your pricing to fully clarify your value to them.
2. Not Enough Energy Options
There are many studies showing that more options gives consumers more confidence. Show them in-depth price comparisons and savings calculations so they can gain some trust in you.
Note: this doesn’t mean you should throw them a huge spreadsheet without providing expert analysis. Though options give consumers confidence, they also overwhelm them. They need you to guide them to the best option.
Another way to leverage your suppliers is to offer some big-name brands. It’s likely your prospects have heard or seen ads from a local supplier or two. This brand familiarity can help them gain confidence in you as well, so make sure you offer a few big names, even if you’re not necessary going to sell them.
3. Overcomplicated Closing Process
The easiest way to scare away a prospect—even one that’s ready to buy—is to overcomplicate the closing process.
Imagine you’re a business-owner who is ready to lock in a good electricity rate. Now imagine you need to read and review a contract – maybe multiple times! – sign some documents, copy the documents and somehow transmit those documents to the broker.
It doesn’t sound like the end of the world, but in the age of technology, it feels like it should be easier.
This is where software comes in handy. You should have an automatic contract creation process so you don’t have to revise and manually write your contracts. Digital signature technology can streamline the closing process as well.
It might require a small investment at first, but the payoff will be worth it.
How to Overcome Your Energy Sales Hurdles Today
At Broker Online Exchange, we specialize in helping energy brokers close more sales faster and easier than ever before.
One way we do this is by offering our EnergyEngine platform. With EnergyEngine, brokers have instant access to pricing from all the top suppliers in all markets, instant contract creation and built-in DocuSign integration.
With Broker Online Exchange, in other words, you’ll have instant access to the tools you need to build trust and simplify your sales process so you can close more deals than ever before.