The value of offering big-name suppliers like Direct Energy should come as no surprise. Direct Energy offers hugely competitive rates. It also offers brand familiarity – an enormous tool for energy brokers to close more deals.
The problem is that building a supplier relationship with Direct Energy isn’t always easy. You can’t just join Direct Energy without a solid reputation and a strong book of clients. This can leave many brokers at a disadvantage.
Let’s better understand why it’s so hard to join big suppliers like Direct Energy, and then we’ll tell you how you can offer DE rates to your clients.
Why It’s So Difficult to Become a Direct Energy Channel Partner
For suppliers, energy brokers are like investments. They must on-board them, potentially train them, support them – all with the hope the broker will provide a return, namely sales.
Sadly, not all energy brokers are prolific. Those who don’t close deals cost the suppliers in time and investment.
In short, they want to make sure they aren’t taking on bad investments. If you don’t have strong proof you’ll pay off, then you might be left in the dust.
So How Can Brokers Start Selling Direct Energy?
The simplest and fastest way: join Broker Online Exchange.
When you join Broker Online Exchange, you can instantly access Direct Energy rates in all available U.S. markets. That means you can provide your clients more competitive rates and close more deals with a brand your customers recognize.
How Does Broker Online Exchange Do This?
Hundreds of brokers have partnered with BOX, so we’ve developed a stellar reputation with suppliers like Direct Energy.
Building these relationships is mutually rewarding for both DE and BOX.
Not only that, we’re taking the risks that suppliers avoid – we’re here to provide you support and training so you can make the most of our partnership. And we take our support seriously: your success is our success, so you know you’re always getting the best support.
So join today and gain access to one of the most lucrative energy suppliers in North America.