Did You Know?
Direct Energy Business has some important new updates and we want to make sure that our Brokers are the first to know!
Texas Customers Can Now Pay by Credit Card
Direct Energy Business is pleased to announce that they are now able to accept customer payments by credit card. This is a solution that many customers have requested in the past and they are excited to pilot it with their Texas customers. All cards are accepted including debit cards without pin numbers.
Click here for more information.
60 Month from Prompt Matrix
Direct Energy Business is offering a 60 month from prompt matrix contract in ERCOT which excludes under 50KW peak demand customers. They also offer past 60 months custom pricing for approved customers.
Upcoming Increase in RPS in Maryland
Direct Energy Business is partnering with BOX to advise our brokers of the upcoming increase in RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) in Maryland. This provides a huge opportunity to review your Maryland business for both renewals and new.
- MD RPS rates will be rising significantly for any contract signed after 10/1/19. Any contract signed and executed prior to 10/1/19 will be grandfathered and the rate increase will not apply to the full term of the contract.
- RPS rate is expected to increase approximately $3.00 per MWh.
- For customers 1,000 MWh and greater, DEB will offer a long term full pass-through product for those customers that are not comfortable with long term. With the ability to Fix Energy component via layers or 100% at the customers discretion. Ability to exit contract with a 30 day notice, damages apply only to the Fixed Energy.
- For the smaller customer it is just recommended that they extend as far as their contract will allow them.
*What is RPS? Renewable Portfolio Standard is a regulation that requires more renewable energy.
All the Best,
Emily Gallatin, Business Development Manager